Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 19 January, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Inspiring women wanted for International Women’s Day

The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee invites local women who are creating outstanding produce or products to participate in an International Women’s Day event on Sunday 8 March 2015.

To celebrate International Women’s Day the Committee is organising the free event at the African Community House in Poplar Avenue Shepparton. The event is open to the entire community, and is supported by Greater Shepparton City Council.

The theme of the event is ‘Local Women Inspiring Change’ which will tie in with the Shepparton Festival theme of ‘Grown, Picked, and Packed’. The event will be a motivating afternoon of fun and networking, whilst providing an opportunity to discover a showcase of diverse produce from local women. The event also features photographs from the All Women GV ‘Stand Up and Stand Out’ photography competition, which is being supported by Word and Mouth and ABC’s Heywire.

The Committee would like to invite local women to display their wares at the International Women’s Day event, showcasing the diverse goods this wonderful region ‘grows, picks, and packs’. The Committee wants to showcase the talents of many women in the local area who make cheeses, grow fruit and vegetables, produce amazing meat, run businesses or are organisations promoting the diverse local area.

Greater Shepparton City Councillor and Committee Member, Dinny Adem is excited about the theme of the forthcoming International Women’s Day event.

“People in the Greater Shepparton area, and beyond, create wonderful produce,” said Cr Adem. “Behind the end product is often a woman who has striven to make a dream a reality, and utilise the climate and benefits of the local area to create a unique item – from fresh fruit and vegies to delectable cheeses, sauces, jams, and meat.”

“The Committee’s International Women’s Day event is a way to showcase not only the diversity of food products and preparation skills, but to also shine a light on the inspiring entrepreneurial and business skills of women from the local area. International Women’s Day is about promoting and celebrating women’s rights and achievements in all aspects of life, from traditional roles and activities to their equal meritorious involvement in corporate and government leadership roles.”

“I encourage women, businesses and organisations to submit an Expression of Interest form to be a stallholder at the event,” said Cr Adem.

The Local Women Inspiring Change International Women’s Day event is alcohol free.

Expressions of Interest forms are available online at There is no cost to stallholders, and the event is free. Expressions of interest close on Friday 20 February. Space is limited, so the Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on who is able to be a stallholder.

The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee (GSWCAAC) is a community advisory committee of the Greater Shepparton City Council, and is part of a broader network of Local Government Area (LGA) advisory committees across the state that are guided and informed by the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter.

The Committee is made up of volunteers who, with Council support, aim to increase women’s participation in key decision making forums in the community and in democratic governance. The Committee supports three main principles: Gender Equity, Diversity, and Active Citizenship.

For further information please email: or telephone Emma on (03) 5832 9479.


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