Originally approved on 20 November 2018, Amendment C204 applied interim heritage controls to 178 places identified in the latest heritage study, the Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage IIC December 2017.
The Minister for Planning has now approved Amendment C216 to the Planning Scheme to extend the expiry date for these controls to 1 May 2020. The Amendment came into operation on 2 May 2019. Affected land owners and occupiers of land included in the Study were notified by Council to inform them of the approval of Amendment C216.
Interim heritage controls are commonly used by councils across Victoria to ensure places are protected during the consideration of the planning scheme amendment seeking to apply permanent controls.
This extension to the existing interim heritage controls provides adequate time to apply permanent heritage controls via Amendment C205 to the Planning Scheme. The amendment ensures the protection and conservation of each place while permanent heritage controls are being considered later this year.
Amendment C205 will be exhibited in June 2019. All land owners, occupiers of land and other stakeholders will receive an additional letter from Council at this time notifying them of Amendment C205 and inviting them to make a submission on the amendment. The amendment will include an extensive three to four month consultation period with affected land owners.
Director of Sustainable Development, Geraldine Christou, said “Council provides a free heritage advisory service to all land owners of properties included in the Heritage Overlay. Land owners can receive expert conservation advice before they undertake any works to their properties. These properties will also be eligible to apply for a grant under Council’s Heritage Grants Program, which is the only such heritage grant program operated independently by a local council in Victoria”.
Land owners with properties identified in the Study are encouraged to contact Council’s Building and Planning Department before undertaking any works if a Heritage Overlay applies to their land. If the Heritage Overlay is the only planning permit trigger, planning permit fees will be waived.
A copy of Amendment C216 can be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website and free of charge, during office hours, at the offices of Greater Shepparton City Council, 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton.
For more information please contact the Building and Planning Department on 5832 9730 or via email at council@shepparton.vic.gov.au or click here.