Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 30 April, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Kindergarten enrolments for 2019 now open

Greater Shepparton City Council would like to notify parents and carers of children turning four by April 30 2019 that kindergarten enrolment registrations for 2019 are now open.

The Victorian government provides funding to services to contribute to the cost of running a funded kindergarten program, which helps keep fees for four-year-old kindergarten as low as possible. The kindergarten fee subsidy allows eligible children to access up to 15 hours of kindergarten delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher in the year before school for free or at low cost.

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Children and Youth Services Sally Rose said the kindergarten year is a very important step in the development and learning process.

"Kindergarten brings new challenges, learning opportunities, lots of fun and interaction with other children and adults," Ms Rose said.

"Kindergarten provides flexibility to reflect your child's individual needs and allows children to develop their skills at their own pace.”

"It also prepares children to handle the more formal structure of their ongoing education.”

"I strongly encourage parents and carers, to visit local kindergartens prior to enrolment to meet with staff and discuss their individual child's needs. It’s also helpful to find out if the centre offers a program that suits your family’s needs in terms of days, times and fees”

Ms Rose said Council facilitated kindergarten enrolment registrations for most funded kindergarten programs in Greater Shepparton.

Ms Rose said parents would receive notification of places by late September.

"While we try to accommodate parents’ requests for kindergarten at particular centres, this is not always possible, so if parents don't receive a place at the centre of their first preference they can accept a place at an alternative centre or wait and see if a space at their preferred centre becomes available,” she said.

Funded kindergarten services also support Early Start to Kindergarten, which is a free service for families with three or four year old children who meet the eligibility criteria giving access to two years of kindergarten. 

Enrolment can be completed online or forms are available at kindergartens, long day care centres and other early childhood services, as well as the Greater Shepparton City Council office in Welsford Street. Applications close Monday 30 July, 2018.

For online enrolments, click here.

Or for more information contact the Central Enrolment Officer on 03 5832 9700.


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