Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 16 May, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Shepparton Library works tender advertised

The tender for the redevelopment of the Shepparton Library was advertised today for Stage Two of the plan.

Project Board Chair and Greater Shepparton City Council's Director Community, Kaye Thomson, said the advertising of the tender is an exciting next step in the redevelopment as it brings a better library facility closer to library users.

"The tender is open until 11th June and we hope to appoint a builder within a few of weeks of closing. The work commencement date will be discussed with the successful tenderer and depending on the outcome of the discussion we will have a much-improved library by the end of the year," said Ms Thomson.

"The redevelopment will allow for additional space and reconfiguration of the internal layout so the library can offer more significant programs, particularly for children and youth," said Ms Thomson.

"The architects have come up with an innovative design that reworks the existing internal spaces to create a new warm and friendly facility for the community. There will be specific areas for different activities including a computer zone and a community multi-purpose room," she said.

"The work will be staged so that different areas can be completed. There will be some noise and dust which is unavoidable in a construction zone but the builders will maintain a safe site at all times."

The funding of $433,000 for the redevelopment was announced in June 2013 by the Victorian Government Living Libraries fund. The balance of the $650,000 project is funded by Greater Shepparton City Council.


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