Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 13 September, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Major events boom for Greater Shepparton region

A review of the major events during 2015-16 for Greater Shepparton has shown a significant increase in tourism spend in the region effectively injecting $44.5m into the local economy.

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Economic Development Geraldine Christou says the review highlighted just how much benefit major events brings to the region. “During the last financial year Council supported 220 major events including financially sponsoring 77 of those events with more than 288,000 people in attendance.”

“The increase in visitors* staying overnight has been welcomed. The 2014-15 financial year saw 80,000 bed nights and this last financial year there were 102,000 or a 27.5 per cent increase which means more business for local accommodation providers,” said Ms Christou.

“Visitors from outside the region increased 20 per cent from 95,705 to 115,462 over the two years which demonstrates strong growth for the municipality and shows the pulling power that major events have.”

“In terms of jobs there has been a 23 per cent increase in full time equivalent jobs supported from 235 to 291, again very good news for the economic sustainability of our region,” said Ms Christou.

“Our events team has been able to secure 22 new significant major state and national visitation events including the Victorian Teachers’ Games, the AFL NAB Challenge Country Game, ANZ Netball Challenge, Tennis Seniors Australia Teams Carnival and Australian Individual Championships, BMX Nationals Series and the Cycling Australia Junior Road Cycling Championships.”

“Sport is a significant contributor with 106,458 attendees and 61,033 of these being visitors from outside the region contributing $28.80m,” she said.

“Arts and culture was also a key contributor with 62,681 attendees with 13,435 visitors from outside the region.”

“When we look at the excellent facilities we have in Greater Shepparton we have the Shepparton Showgrounds hosting 104 events with 95,165 attendees, 30,354 visitors and an economic impact of $7.47m. Tatura Park hosted 54 events, had 19,320 attendees, 11,815 visitors and an economic impact of $8.18m.” 

“We have some great events planned for the remainder of 2016 and going into 2017, including music events,” said Ms Christou. “Council is keen to work with local businesses and would encourage everyone to provide feedback on our Economic Development Tourism and Major Events Strategy available on the council website before Monday 19 September.


* A visitor is classified as someone outside greater Shepparton and who stayed for at least four hours.


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