Council also resolved to progress this conceptual design to a detailed design phase and undertake a business case on the adopted option.
Work on this phase of the project is underway and officers are in the process of mapping out timelines and will commence the development of briefs and documentation to take the detailed design and business case work to public tender in accordance with Council’s procurement policy.
Timelines for the ultimate construction of any redevelopment of the Mall are dependent on a number of factors including the funding of the project which will be reliant on both Federal and State Government support and also the staging of the construction process.
Council is actively advocating for funding for this project and will continue to undertake this advocacy as the project progresses.
The detailed design and business case work will explore how the project can be staged to minimise the project’s financial impact as well as disruptions to services, infrastructure and surrounding businesses.
Option Four sees one-way traffic introduced between Fryers and Stewart Street, the development of high quality public open space as well as the development of additional off-street car parking in the southern section of the Mall accessed via High Street.