The LGMAP is established by Minister for Local Government The Hon Adem Somyurek MP, and is aimed at providing high level advice on the range of matters which impact on Local Government.
A high-quality field of Mayors from across Victoria nominated for the LGMAP.
Cr Abdullah’s appointment to the panel follows Cr Dinny Adem’s appointment in 2017, and Cr Kim O’Keeffe’s appointment in 2019, during their respective terms as Mayor.
Cr Abdullah’s appointment is with immediate effect and will cease on 20 October 2020.
The panel will meet four times throughout 2020; in February, May, July and September.
“I am delighted and honoured to be one of 15 Mayors from across the state to be appointed to the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel, in my first year as Mayor,” Cr Abdullah said.
“Meeting the rest of the panel will give us a chance to highlight all that is happening in our region, and to discuss a range of topics important to Local Government.
“Greater Shepparton should be proud to be represented on this panel, and Council is thrilled to have the opportunity to network and share our success and aspirations for the future.”