Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 26 October, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Meet Lily - Our youngest NewsBlogger for #YourGreenBin

As the delivery of Kitchen Caddies continues across Greater Shepparton, a Grade 3 Primary School student has shared her household's experiences in the form of a diary blog.

Our first week with our new kitchen basket, By Lily.

On Monday

Our new basket arrived and my little brother was very excited. Mum put the purple bag in and said ‘if it grows, it goes in this little bin.’

On Tuesday night 

We had my uncle’s lamb chops. Dad was about to put the bones in the normal rubbish bin but we stopped him. He said he thought the basket was only for vegetables and fruit but we told him - ‘if it grows, it goes’.

On Wednesday

Dad asked when we should put a new bag in. Mum said we have enough bags to use 2 or 3 a week so we should wait til its full.

On Thursday

The bag was full – I even managed to hide one of my uneaten sandwiches.

My mum asked my big brother to take out the rubbish and the purple bag. He wasn’t impressed! He is doing a school assignment on global warming so mum told him the organic waste in the rubbish tip makes gases that add to global warming. Mum also said the Council has to pay lots of money for years and years to look after the organic rubbish once its in the tip and that means there is less money to build things we want, like the new soccer grounds. My brother agreed the soccer grounds are really important!

On Friday

Dad put the green bin out and the rubbish truck came and collected everything. My little brother is also super excited about rubbish trucks.

Thanks to Lily for showing everyone how easy it is to use Your Green Bin. It's fantastic that we have such enthusiastic young people who understand the importance of returning all of our organic waste Back To Earth through council's expanded Green Lid Bin service. After all, they'll be growing up in the mess adults leave behind today.

 Find out everything you need to know about Your Green Bin here:


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