Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 7 June, 2023. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Melbourne Storm opportunity for flood affected Greater Shepparton residents

Greater Shepparton City Council, in partnership with Melbourne Storm and the Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project, is proud to be providing an opportunity for a group of flood-affected Greater Shepparton residents to head to Melbourne for the Storm community game on Sunday 11 June.

Storm will play host to the Cronulla Sharks at AAMI Park and a group of around 90 local residents from the region will be in the stands to watch the game thanks to the generosity of Melbourne Storm.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said the opportunity to attend this event aimed to ensure that these residents were not forgotten about during the flood recovery process from the October floods.

“Everyone knows our region has had a tough few months following the October 2022 flood event. The region was significantly impacted in many ways and residents from all areas of Greater Shepparton were affected in some way,” he said.

“We can often forget that our residents all feel the effects of emergency events such as a flood in different ways. This initiative is a chance for them to get away as a group to what hopefully will be a fun-filled day.

“The event has been planned by Council in partnership with Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project who is taking the group to the game and the generous support of Melbourne Storm who has provided the complimentary tickets.”

Melbourne Storm CEO, Justin Rodski, said the club was pleased to offer those flood-affected residents a chance to watch Storm play live at AAMI Park.

“It was heartbreaking watching the reports last year of the flooded communities across the state,” Rodski said.

“While we can’t help to rebuild homes, Storm wanted to give those affected in Greater Shepparton an experience that we hope helps lift their spirits”.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Greater Shepparton City Council and Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project to support these families through what is an extremely challenging time and hope it makes a small difference in their lives.”

Executive Officer of Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project Amy Robinson said the organisation was thrilled to be a partner in this initiative.

“At Lighthouse we connect families and young people to opportunities and given our knowledge of local community and their needs, it is a natural fit for Lighthouse to be leading this project with Council. We are incredibly excited to share this fantastic opportunity with some of our families that have being doing it tough after our recent floods disaster,” she said.


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