Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 16 March, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

New Community For Shepparton

The Victorian Planning Authority (the VPA) and Greater Shepparton City Council (Council) have released a comprehensive plan for a new community in Shepparton.

The draft Shepparton North East Precinct Structure Plan outlines a vision for a suburb with 1,500 new homes, a local convenience centre and community facility, five local parks, and drainage and transport networks.

The draft plan applies to 177 hectares of land bound by Verney Road to the west, Ford Road to the north, Grahamvale Road to the east and a Goulburn-Murray Water drainage reserve to the south.

The precinct has been designed to weave into the area’s existing landscape features and topography, embracing Shepparton’s regional city character.

With streets providing access to major existing roads and shared bicycle and pedestrian paths linking to schools, community facilities and open space, the suburb will be well-connected and easy to navigate.

There are two existing schools within the area – the Grahamvale Primary School and Shepparton Christian College – and the plan sets aside land to allow for their expansion.

Developers of the precinct will contribute over $39 million in development levies to help pay for infrastructure and facilities within the new community.

The plan includes Public Acquisition Overlays (PAOs) for open space, a community facility, roads, intersections and retardation basins that will be funded by development levies. This is a long-term, 30-year plan for growth and the area is expected to be developed gradually.

The plan has now been released for public comment. The closing dated for submissions to be received by the VPA is Friday 13 April 2018.

Residents and interested parties are also invited to attend a community drop-in session to learn more about the plan on Tuesday 20 March between 4:30pm and 6:30pm at in the library of Grahamvale Primary School at 85 Grahamvale Road, Grahamvale.

To learn more and register to attend a consultation event, visit this website.


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