Lemon Tree Café and Spiire have come up with a unique temporary solution to expanding the seating available at the café. A custom designed seating pod made from a shipping container has been refurbished to provide an on-street experience for customers of the café. The pod, which was refurbished by Spiire, will be placed on the street adjacent to the café and take up one car park in Fryers Street.
Director Sustainable Development, Geraldine Christou said the initiative will be trialled for three months after which time it will be evaluated by Council based on feedback from the community, traders and the Lemon Tree Café to determine the success of the initiative and the interest from other operators to share the shipping container.
Ms Christou said the Shepparton CBD had recently experienced a boost in café/restaurant atmosphere with various operators commencing business which has created positive flow on effects for existing operators. “Existing businesses, not just food premises, have benefited from this additional investment and have been thinking innovatively which has supported their ongoing growth and sustainability.”
“For the CBD to thrive and grow, Council must be receptive to considering innovative initiatives received from traders that support the growth of the CBD and also encourage traders to think outside the square and be unique,” said Ms Christou.
Spiire raised the idea of a shipping container (funded by them) to be introduced to the CBD and utilised by Lemon Tree Café. “Should the idea be well received and positive flow on effects be experienced by Lemon Tree Café and other traders, the shipping container could be established under a rotating system where various other food operators could tap into the initiative to create a positive vibe and incorporate additional seating,” said Ms Christou.
“Businesses expanding beyond their footprint is a great challenge to have, and initiatives like these provide an opportunity for not only the Lemon Tree, but also other businesses that can leverage from the increased visitation”.