Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 18 February, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

New museum Business Case available for comment

Greater Shepparton City councillors last night voted to proceed with the next stage of the Feasibility Study into a new museum for Shepparton by releasing the Business Case for public comment.

The Business Case Report is the culmination of several months of consultation conducted by Simon McArthur and Associates with community members and stakeholders.

“The Business Case presents a vision for a new museum that is unique to Australia and focuses on developing a museum for the people that will drive tourism and visitation to Shepparton, create employment and encourage a sense of pride in Shepparton,” said Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Dennis Patterson.

“We have been through the initial stage of the feasibility study which indicated that the current facility will not meet future needs,” he said. “We are now keen to have our community read the Business Case and comment on it so we can ensure that Council is listening to the opinions out there.”

The report and an online poll is available on the Council website for eight weeks. “This is an opportunity for everyone to check out the report and vote on whether they agree with the recommendations and to comment if they want. We encourage people to visit our website, read about the Report and vote on the proposal.”

Anyone interested in having a Council officer attend a meeting to talk about the Business Case is welcome to contact Council on 5832 9700 or email and provide details on dates and times.

If you do not have online access you can find hard copies of the poll at the Council offices, SAM and other locations around Greater Shepparton.

More information at


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