Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 9 August, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

#OurMoment - Tonight's the night to pause and make a difference

Greater Shepparton City Council is reminding local residents that tonight is Census night; our moment to pause and make a difference for Australia’s future.

CLICK HERE to complete your Census.

Everyone in Australia is required to complete a Census form to ensure Census data provides an accurate and complete picture of the nation.

Information gained from the Census is used for a range of planning purposes by all levels of government and private institutions. It is used to determine where community services are located and to support funding decisions, so it’s important everyone participates.

The 2016 Census is the first predominantly digital Census and it is expected that more than two thirds of all households, some 16 million people, will complete it online. This will save more than $100 million and approximately 327 tonnes of paper—that’s the equivalent to approximately 231 family sedans.

The 2016 online form features technology that will make it the fastest, easiest and most secure Census in its 105-year history.

Households should now have received a Census Instruction Letter from the ABS, including their unique Census Login required to complete the Census online, and instructions on how to order a paper form. If your household hasn’t received this information, please call the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 214 531.

Use the #MyCensus tag on Twitter or Instagram to join the Census conversation and have your picture included as part of the visual collection of things we value as Australians.

Visit for more information.

Data collected from the 2016 Census will support funding decisions for services and infrastructure including housing, transport, education, industry, hospitals, and the environment.

Data from the 2011 Census revealed Australia has more than 5.6 million families and families have an average of 1.9 children. Of families in Australia, 44.6 per cent were couple families with children, 37.8 per cent were couple families without children and 15.9 per cent were one parent families.

Head of the Census Program, Duncan Young said years of preparation have gone into the 2016 Census, to ensure it’s the easiest, safest and most accessible Census the country has ever had.

“Census night is a time for everyone in Australia to pause and provide vital information that will help shape the future of our nation,” Mr Young said.

“The information that will be given tonight will help estimate our population, which will be used to distribute government funds and plan for services for your community.”

Mr Young reiterated that it’s okay if you can’t fill in your Census form tonight. It can be completed in the coming days.

“If you haven’t received your Census material, don’t worry. You can complete the Census after August 9 – you still have plenty of time and you won’t be fined for being late.

“Simply contact the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 214 531 or via our online contact form. To avoid expected long phone queues, please call after August 10.

“Just be sure to complete the form as if it were Census night as soon as possible. Census Field Officers will begin visiting households that have not completed the Census from late-August to ensure that everyone can take part.”

Those travelling overseas don’t have to complete the Census. Those travelling in Australia, will need to fill out a form wherever they are on tonight. People staying in a hotel, motel, caravan park or camping site will be provided with a form.

For people travelling remotely, forms will be available from truck stops and camp sites, and there are have Special Field Officers to provide forms to people living and travelling in remote locations.

Use the #MyCensus tag on Twitter or Instagram to join the Census conversation and have your picture included as part of the visual collection of things we value as Australians.

Visit for more information.


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