Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 16 February, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Partnership agreement signed to support the future of Greater Shepparton

The strong working relationship and shared vision between the Greater Shepparton City Council and the Committee for Greater Shepparton was formally recognised today with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Memorandum was signed by Mr Gavin Cator – Greater Shepparton City Council CEO, and Mr Matthew Nelson - Committee for Greater Shepparton CEO and was overseen by Cr Dennis Patterson – Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor and Mr David McKenzie - Committee for Greater Shepparton Interim Chair.

Mr Cator welcomed the opportunity to formalise the collaborative working relationship between Council and the Committee, and the Memorandum paves the way for greater co-operation in the future.

“While Council is not a member of the Committee, this agreement outlines how we will work collaboratively to influence policy and advocate for solutions that will assist in making a Greater Shepparton”, explains Council CEO Gavin Cator.

“Council and the Committee have legitimate differences in governance, roles and responsibilities, and it is these differing strengths that can be maximised for the benefit of the Greater Shepparton community.”

“The premise of MoU is about working in good faith and respecting the obligations and strategic objectives of the other party while working towards a common goal”, contends David McKenzie, Committee for Greater Shepparton Interim Chair. “That common goal is about influencing public policy and prioritising initiatives that will strengthen the Greater Shepparton economy and make the region a more vibrant place to live, work and invest.”

Council and the Committee are delighted to be working in a more formal capacity to further develop the opportunities for Greater Shepparton now and into the future.

Photo (left to right):

Seated:Matthew Nelson - Committee for Greater Shepparton CEO and Gavin Cator - Greater Shepparton City Council CEO.

Standing:David McKenzie - Committee for Greater Shepparton Interim Chair and Cr Dennis Patterson – Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor.


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