Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 8 January, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

PROJECT UPDATE: Over $7.5m upgrade on major Doyles Rd roundabout

Major works by VicRoads will commence on 18 January to upgrade the roundabout intersection at Doyles Road and the Midland Highway in Shepparton East, delivering improved safety and connectivity for road users.

The VicRoads project will involve the construction of a dual-lane roundabout and duplication of road approaches to the intersection. Greater Shepparton City Council recently commenced works to improve drainage to cater for the expanded roundabout.

Drainage works include new underground pipes from Benalla Road south to Council’s retardation basin on Doyles Road to provide better drainage in readiness for the works being undertaken by VicRoads. Council will expand the existing retardation basin to provide a future wetland system to treat the stormwater from the catchment.

Works on the retardation basin and the drainage pipe works began last week and are expected to be completed by 31 March. There will be some traffic delays and detours during this period, primarily due to the VicRoads roundabout duplication works.  Council is working with VicRoads to minimise traffic delays.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said “The works are for the future development of the Doyles Road and Benalla Road roundabout and to provide a high capacity drainage spine for the Shepparton East catchment.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said “This upgrade will ease congestion and reduce delays through the provision of a wider turning circle and dual lanes.”

“As well as cutting travel times for motorists and freight operators, the new roundabout will enhance safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.”

Victorian Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan said the project was due for completion in mid-2016.

“This project will support the development of Greater Shepparton as a major regional hub, with a road network that will meet existing and future traffic demand,” Mr Donnellan said.

“This outdated roundabout is about to undergo a significant overhaul so all motorists can use it with ease and it will cater for larger heavy vehicles.”

The Australian Government is providing over $5.6 million towards the roundabout upgrade, with the Victorian Government contributing $1.9 million.

The cost of the upgraded drainage works is $1.35m. VicRoads have contributed $750,000 toward the cost of these drainage works.


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