The policy will support negotiation of agreements with land owners and developers to provide affordable housing as part of residential developments. The project will also explore other potential actions Council could take to address affordable housing need.
Although housing in Greater Shepparton is moderately priced when compared to some other regional areas and Melbourne, Council understands the number of groups who may not be able to access suitable housing is growing - including single people, lone-parent families, students, migrants and young professionals.
Council recognises housing is a basic human right and a fundamental element of community inclusion. It is committed to supporting the provision of appropriate housing for present and future residents, including very low, low, and moderate income households, as a foundation of community health.
Greater Shepparton City Council Director Sustainable Development Geraldine Christou said the impacts of housing shortages ripple outwards to affect the whole community.
“By promoting options that enable residents to find suitable housing in a timely manner, Council is aiming to reduce related health and wellbeing issues, and maximise opportunities for ongoing social and economic growth in Greater Shepparton,” Mrs Christou said.
The community is invited to contribute their thoughts and ideas about affordable housing in Greater Shepparton by making a submission online at, by emailing, or by post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632.
Submissions can also be handed in at Council reception, or placed in the after hours box next to the front doors.
Submissions close on 1 July 2019, to inform the preparation of the Draft Affordable Housing Policy, which will be released for public feedback later in the year.
For more information on the Affordable Housing Policy or to complete the Shepparton Affordable Housing – Issues and Opportunities Survey visit the link above, or contact the Building and Planning Department on (03) 5832 9730.