Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 25 May, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Purple compostable bags successful

Greater Shepparton City Council introduced its new food and garden waste service in November 2015 and supplied a complimentary kitchen caddy and roll of purple compostable bags for the kitchen caddy.

A roll of 150 purple compostable bags should last most households 12 months based on emptying the kitchen caddy two or three times per week.

The purple compostable bags meet strict Australian standards and are specifically designed to break down in the composting process, so it is important residents only use these bags in their green lid bin.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said “the roll out has been great, residents are doing the right thing and using the new service. Council has ordered more purple compostable bags for residents that have run out a little earlier than scheduled”.

“Council will be providing all residents with a kitchen caddy with another free roll of purple compostable bags in November this year” said Mr Bowmaker.

“Those that have run out a little earlier can contact Council to organise another roll. In the interim residents can dispose of their food scraps directly into the green waste bin, or wrap up their food scraps in newspaper. If residents are unsure our customer service team are more than happy to walk residents through the necessary steps” said Mr Bowmaker.

If you have run out please contact council on 03 5832 9700 to organise more free compostable bags.

For more information visit: Waste


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