Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 23 September, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Recent rain sees growth in grass across the municipality

Greater Shepparton City Council requests all residents to be patient with property owners whose property may contain excessive vegetation, as the current weather conditions restrict machinery access.

Under Council’s Local Law, properties must not be unsightly or detrimental to the neighbourhood and cannot contain long or excessive vegetation including weeds, grass or undergrowth.

In drier years, Council Officers undertake inspections and issue Notices to Comply to land owners to cut or slash excessive vegetation if required.

However, with a wet winter and continuous rain, grass around the municipality has grown extremely quickly, yet the moisture in the soil is preventing access by required machinery on some properties.

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Citizen Services Laurienne Winbanks said, “Council is monitoring the weather conditions and urges all residents to be patient until the land dries out. Once access will no longer cause damage to the ground or machinery, property owners will be required to comply with the Local Law and remove or slash all excessive vegetation.”

In the meantime, Council encourages land owners to inspect their properties and consider alternative options to cut the grass including utilising a whipper snipper or hand mower to cut around the edge and front of the property.

Tidying the property as best you can will assist to maintain the general amenity of the area until usual mowing practices can recommence.

Council is urging anyone who is concerned about excessive vegetation at a vacant residential property to contact Council. Once the weather conditions allow machinery access, Council officers will undertake proactive inspections, issuing Notices to Comply to property owners.

If a property owner has been requested by Council to reduce the vegetation and are struggling to gain access, they should contact Council to discuss their options.


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