Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 12 June, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Refugee Week 2014

Greater Shepparton City Council will celebrate Refugee Week from Sunday 15th June until Saturday 21st June. Refugee Week is about raising awareness of the issues affecting refugees and to celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society.

Mayor Jenny Houlihan said “Refugee Week provided a platform where positive images of refugees could be promoted in order to create a welcoming culture throughout the country.” 

“The ultimate aim of the celebration is to create better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration enabling refugees to live in safety and to continue making a valuable contribution to Australia,” Cr Houlihan said.

“I encourage people to take part in Refugee Week and celebrate the contribution refugees in our community make to our society.”

Council, in partnership with Amnesty International, Department of Human Services, Ethnic Council, Family Care, GOTAFE, Goulburn Murray Football, Goulburn Valley Regional Library, Primary Care Connect, Relationships Australia, South Shepparton Community Centre, The Bridge, Uniting Care Cutting Edge, Victoria Police and Women’s Charter Alliance. 

The launch will be held at: 

Maude Street Mall for Morning Tea

Monday 16th June 10.30am

Free morning tea and local entertainment will be provided 

For more information about Refugee Week, contact Charlene Norton Cultural Development Officer on 5832 9527


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