Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 10 November, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Reminder of dining numbers quotas to keep customers safe and businesses compliant

Following the lifting of the ‘ring of steel’ between Melbourne and regional Victoria as per the Premier’s announcement Sunday, it’s timely to remind our locals, visitors and hospitality businesses of the indoor and outdoor density dining quotas that are in place to keep everyone COVIDSafe.

While Greater Shepparton welcomes the raising of restrictions for people to reconnect socially over breakfast, lunch or dinner, it’s important to note that our hospitality businesses are required to adhere to density requirements to avoid being fined.

So while recent announcements have indicated that hospitality businesses can accommodate up to 40 seated patrons per venue indoors and 70 seated patrons outdoors, there are density requirements that need to be adhered to which means that the number of diners who can be seated may be less than these maximum numbers.

Indoor venues are subjected to density of 1 per 4m2 and a maximum of 10 people per space, where ‘spaces’ can be separated by either temporary structures or at least 5metres between collections of 10 seats. This may mean less customers can be accommodated indoors due to the overall density requirements.

While outdoor seating can accommodate for up to 70 patrons per venue, again there is a density of 1 per 2m2 and maximum groups of 10 persons, hence some hospitality outdoor areas will not be able to cater for the full 70 customer limit that is approved. 

Key additional points to note include:

  • Venues are only open for seated service. 
  • Infants under 12 months of age are not included in the limit.
  • Diner must be seated so they are 1.5m away from any patron from an adjacent group.
  • Customers must wear a face mask, unless consuming food or drink and MUST remember to reapply their mask when getting up from the table such as to pay the bill, go to the toilet or leave the venue.
  • It is recommended that you make a booking to ensure that hospitality venues aren’t at risk at exceeding their quotas. 
  • Remember when you book to give accurate numbers so that the businesses aren’t setting aside seats that won’t be used as this means a loss of income for them. 
  • Also remember businesses are required to take your contact details for tracing purposes.  
  • Some businesses may have a time limit on how long you can stay so that they can accommodate more customers. Please respect these time limits. 
  • Also please avoid sharing of cutlery, glasses etc. 

“It is critical that our hospitality businesses and their customers continue to adhere to the COVIDSafe requirements and restrictions, to continue to keep us all safe but also to avoid any penalties,” Anthony Nicolaci, Manager Economic Development at Council said. 

“If in breach, Victoria Police can issue on the spot fines of up to $1,652 for customers and up to $9,913 for hospitality businesses. Now that we are finally able to enjoy going out to dine and socialise with friends and family over a meal, we don’t want such special occasions to be soured by a fine that could have easily been avoided. As we continue to say, “we are all in this together,” which means we all need to do our own bit to keep each other safe and keep our venues open for business.” 

As restrictions ease it is more important than ever that we act every day to keep ourselves and others safe. You can do so by: 

  • Washing your hands regularly, wearing a face mask when you leave home, coughing and sneezing into your elbow, and keeping at least 1.5 metres from others. 
  • Keep your friends and family safe by meeting outdoors. There is a lower risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) between people if you are outdoors.  
  • Face masks must be worn when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
  • If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) get tested and stay home. Stay at home if you feel unwell.

For further information regarding hospitality COVID-19 restrictions and requirements please click here.


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