Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 23 November, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Residents embrace Green Lid Bin rollout with impressive results

Greater Shepparton City Council residents are making the switch and are now enjoying the convenience of combining food and garden waste into the green lid bin.

Greater Shepparton City Council Councillor Jenny Houlihan said “the first week ran smoothly, with most residents jumping on board and doing their bit and saying that it has been made easy with the kitchen caddy.”

In the first week of the full food and garden waste service Council’s contimaination rate was 1.8% this is a great result and shows all the hard work by residents. Council’s contaimnation rates are normally around 5% to 8%. This is a brillant result by all Greater Shepparton City Council residents. We just ask them to keep up the great work because high rates on contamination cost council and therefore end up costing rate payers more. So by everyone doing their bit, we are saving money”.

“We would like to remind residents that nappies and plastic bags other than the purple compostable bags supplied should not be placed into the green lid bin. Contamination will cost Council, and therefore residents, more in waste management charges. Most residents have done well, but  just a small reminder - if it’s not grown or eaten it shouldn’t go in the green lid bin. That’s the best way to remember it”.

“Our community has a chance to  stop using their red lid bin for food scraps and to instead use the kitchen caddy, compostable bags and their green lid bins. Our local growers, parks and gardens can benefit from the commercial compost which can be made safely from our food and garden waste. Success will depend on each household knowing what to put in which bin,” said Cr Houlihan.

A quick list of things that can go into the green lid bin:

  • Fruit & vegetable scraps               
  • Meat scraps & bones
  • Fish & seafood (incl. shells)          
  • Dairy products
  • Teabags & coffee grounds          
  • Tissues & napkins
  • Hair
  • Lawn clippings
  • Garden prunings (incl. weeds and rose trimmings)
  • Twigs and branches under 100mm in diameter
  • Animal droppings

For more information visit:

Or call 5832 9700


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