Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Saturday, 3 October, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

#RespectTheLine – You can’t undo violence

Greater Shepparton City Council has added it's support to the Our Watch ‘You can’t undo violence’ campaign, targeting young people to challenge and change the attitudes that excuse, condone or trivialise violence towards women.

The campaign sends a clear message that there is no excuse for violence and there are lasting consequences if you hurt someone. It addresses findings from research commissioned by Our Watch, which found that 1 in 4 young people hold attitudes that put them at risk of perpetrating, excusing or tolerating violence against women.

The ad campaign encourages young people, parents and role models to visit to find out about the facts, myths, types and impacts of violence; and how they can take action to reject violence.  The ad campaign is part of The Line, a national initiative that encourages young people to reject violence and develop healthy, respectful and equal relationships.

Find more about personal and community safety in Greater Shepparton HERE.


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