At the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 21 April, Council adopted Amendment C205 to the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, which gives effect to the findings and recommendations of the Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II April 2020. The Study consolidates and updates the recommendations of three heritage studies prepared from 2004-2017 into one document.
The Amendment affects 1,089 properties, including 619 properties of ‘individual’ heritage significance and 12 heritage precincts across the municipality.
The Amendment applies permanent controls to 178 places of ‘individual’ heritage significance and five heritage precincts in Dookie and Murchison where interim controls were initially applied by the Minister for Planning in mid-2018. Interim heritage controls are commonly used by councils across Victoria to ensure places are protected during the consideration of a planning scheme amendment seeking to apply permanent heritage controls.
The Amendment also updates local heritage policies within the Planning Scheme to implement the recommendations of the Study and to ensure appropriate controls are in place to guide future planning permit applications to conserve these places.
Amendment C205 was exhibited for a period of 10 weeks from June to August 2019. Forty-three submissions were received and all submissions were referred to an Independent Planning Panel for consideration. The Panel hearing took place in December 2019 and Panel Report outlining the Panel’s recommendations to Council was received in early 2020.
The Panel Report found that “Council has demonstrated a commitment to recognise significant places and introduce the Heritage Overlay to manage them with a willingness to apply a pragmatic approach to the assessment of permit applications on a case by case basis”.
The Panel Report further stated that Amendment C205 be adopted as exhibited subject to post-exhibition changes specified in the report. Council agreed with the majority of the recommendations in the Panel Report and has submitted the Amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval with a decision due within the coming months.
Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah said “Council provides a free heritage advisory service to all land owners of properties included in the Heritage Overlay. Land owners can receive expert conservation advice before they undertake any works to their properties.”
“These properties will also be eligible to apply for a grant under Council’s Heritage Grants Program, the only such heritage grant program operated independently by a local council in Victoria, which seeks to assist land owners in funding conservation works to properties in the Heritage Overlay”.
Cr Abdullah said “Council is committed to conserving our places of local heritage significance and the adoption of Amendment C205 reflects this commitment. The Amendment will help conserve these amazing places, which are a record of the development of our municipality and the many generations of people who have located here post-contact.”
For more information please contact the Building and Planning Department on 5832 9730, email Council or find out more here.