Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 30 May, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Safer City Camera Network Launched

Greater Shepparton City Council Safer City Camera Network has been completed with cameras installed throughout the CBD and monitored from the Shepparton Police Station.

Project work has included both civil and electrical components.  Stage one survey works involved contractors checking the locations of services including power, water and other services.  

The second stage involved civil works such as associated pits, conduits and the laying of fibre optic cabling, installation of wireless connections, poles and cameras, including the connection of cameras to the Shepparton Police Station. 

Greater Shepparton Mayor Jenny Houlihan said the project was a large and complex project that involved attention to technical questions, partnerships, permissions, governance and legislative compliance to adequately plan and deliver the project. “Residents may have noticed the cameras being installed and tested around the CBD over the last few weeks, now they are operational and being monitored by Council funded control room operators on Friday and Saturday evenings,” said Cr Houlihan.

“It is great for our community to have another safety measure in place and to help reduce antisocial behaviour, “Cr Houlihan said. 

Shepparton Police Inspector Ian Bull said “the completion of the Safer City Camera Network is a significant achievement and we are very excited to be a key partner in the project.  “I am certain this initiative will have a positive impact upon levels of offending and the public’s perceptions of safety. I would like to congratulate those persons and sponsors, who have contributed to making the camera network a reality,” Inspector Bull said. 

The Safer City Camera Project is an initiative of the Safer City Strategy 2011-2014. The program is designed to reduce antisocial and criminal behaviour and improve public perceptions of safety in Shepparton’s CBD. Greater Shepparton City Council has worked with Victoria Police to ensure compliance with all privacy and legal regulations are taken into account while the cameras are operational.

Funding for the Safer City Camera network has been provided by Greater Shepparton City Council, Department of Justice and the Attorney-General’s Department. 


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