Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 13 November, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Shepparton's Multi-Sport Festival scores $20K grant

Shepparton residents will be on the move this weekend, thanks to $20,000 grant from the Andrews Labor Government to support the new three day ‘Shepparton's Multi-Sport Festival.’

The new festival builds on a very successful single day triathlon event has which has run for 17 years and with the increased funding support, will now include a variety of activities to suit a range of ages, skills and fitness levels.

The event is forecast to involve 1,500 participants, 350 volunteers, 4,500 visitors to the region, and is expected to generate over $4 million in tourism for the Greater Shepparton City Council region.

Promoting participation in physical and healthy living activities will be a key focus of the festival, with opportunities ranging from entry level age group activities to elite level triathlon.

It will bring together supporters and spectators to the town to provide a boost to the local economy and showcase Shepparton as a great place to live.

By expanding the festival from one day to three and broadening the base of participants, the local economy will receive a significant boost.

Many community groups also stand to benefit from the expanded festival as they will be able to maximise the fundraising opportunities by holding BBQs and other activities.

The Festival will attract additional visitation to the region and in turn contribute to the growth of the visitor economy while showcasing the best the region has to offer .

The funding is provided through the Labor Government’s $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, as part of the Stronger Regional Communities Plan.

CLICK HERE for full details on the Shepparton Multi-Sport Festival.



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