Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 5 February, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council pledges strong ongoing support for SPCA

Greater Shepparton City Council has re-stated its strong and ongoing support for SPCA and retaining the iconic brand in the Goulburn Valley.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Jenny Houlihan says the Council has, and will continue to, advocate strongly for the retention of the fruit processor. "In the wake of the disappointing announcement by the Federal Government last week we made immediate contact with key state Ministers," said Cr Houlihan.

"Council has written letters to the Premier, Denis Napthine and state members Jeanette Powell and Wendy Lovell, requesting meetings to further discuss how SPCA can be supported in the transition to a more sustainable business model and to produce new, innovative products and modernize their plant."

Council has written letters to the CCA Chairman, David Gonski, and CCA Group Managing Director, Terry Davis, requesting a meeting. Council has also been in discussions with managing director Peter Kelly to discuss the most suitable ways in which Council can support SPCA.

"Direct discussions were also held with the Premier Napthine and State Opposition Leader, Daniel Andrews, when they visited Shepparton last week," said Cr Houlihan. "Council is providing supporting information to SPCA which will be used in further discussion with the Premier."

"Council is putting together a compelling case with reasons why a one-off investment can benefit tourism and employment levels in this area. It doesn't make sense to invest in the NVIRP/irrigation modernisation project then not support the horticultural industry."

"We are not about to give up on SPCA," said Cr Houlihan. "We are a resilient community and this is not the first time we have banded together in the face of adversity."

"We are not reliant on just one industry or business, however SPCA is an iconic brand and part of the fabric of our region and Council will do everything possible to support its retention in Shepparton."


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