Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 10 May, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Speed Date a Sustainability Expert at Shepparton

How can I keep my home warm in winter and use heating in an energy-efficient way? How can I renovate to make my house more comfortable year-round? Can I add batteries to work with my solar system? Can my garden help in making my home more livable? These are some of the questions likely to be asked at Speed Date a Sustainability Expert at Shepparton on Sunday, May 22.

Leading green home designers, architects and sustainability experts will provide free advice to the public during 20-minute "dates".
The event is held by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA), a not-for-profit organisation that promotes sustainable living and sponsored by the Greater Shepparton City Council.

Speed Date a Sustainability Expert will include experts on:

• Solar power
• Off-grid solar
• Energy efficiency
• Lighting
• Building retrofits
• Landscape design
• Permaculture

Boyd Dainton, of Commodore Australia, will be one of the attending experts giving advice on off-grid solar, solar pumps and wind power.
ATA chief executive Donna Luckman said Speed Date a Sustainable Expert would be an informative and fun event.

"We encourage people to bring plans on their laptop, tablet or in hard copy. Registration is essential."

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Dinny Adem said: "Council has been working hard to reduce our energy usage and costs. We are pleased to offer an opportunity for our residents to have access to local experts to learn how to make their homes more comfortable and energy efficient."

Speed Date a Sustainability Expert
When: Sunday, May 22
Time: 1pm-3pm
Where: Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre, 132 Welsford Street
Cost: Free! Bookings are essential.


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