Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 27 November, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Sporting Club Grants Program opens today

Greater Shepparton City Council wishes to advise the sporting community that Sport and Recreation Victoria opened their Round 2 Sporting Club Grants Program funding today, with the applications closing on 24 January 2018.

The Sporting Club Grants Program provides grants to assist in clubs in various categories covering things like: the purchase of sports uniforms and equipment, as well as improving the capacity and accessibility of Victorian clubs and other community sport and recreation organisations through increasing the skills of their coaches, officials and managers.

The program has four funding categories groups can apply under:

Category 1: Uniforms or Equipment - Grants up to $1,000 to purchase uniforms or other equipment essential for participation.

Category 2: Skill Development - Grants up to $2,000 to improve the skills of club members by providing training for coaches, officials, administration staff and management committees.

Category 3: Club Operational Capacity - Grants up to $5,000 to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of clubs through strategic planning or, to increase community participation through accessible sport and active recreation opportunities.

Category 4: Aboriginal Participation - Grants of up to $1,000 for uniforms/equipment, up to $2,000 for skills development training and up to $750 for travel.

Applications are required to be submitted through Grants Online, closing strictly at 11:59pm on 24 January 2018.

For further information on funding criteria and how to apply organisations can visit the Sport and Recreation Victoria Website.

Sport and Recreation Victoria Website


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