During this time no use of the site by individuals and sporting clubs will be permitted. The Shepparton Little Athletics Association will relocate to the Community Football Complex for the remainder of the season.
Works will include the upgrade of the track to a synthetic surface allowing for national standard competitions, including the inner ‘D’ which will provide a suitable surface to facilitate high jump.
The $970,054 contract has a funding component of $524,806 from the Australian Government.
Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker thanks the Little Athletics Association for their understanding and patience during the works.
“The overall $21 million redevelopment will establish the precinct as a nationally significant sporting complex and will enhance Greater Shepparton as the regional sporting capital of Victoria.
“The investment will also assist Council’s ability to secure and retain major sporting events and national championships that might usually be held in capital cities or interstate,” he said.
Sporting clubs will be able to book the use of the Athletics Facility through Council’s Booking Officer once the works are completed in March.
To stay up to date about the Greater Shepparton Regional Sports Precinct follow: http://sportsprecinct.greatershepparton.com.au or www.greatershepparton.com.au