Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 23 December, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Stop, Revive and Survive this Holiday Season

Greater Shepparton City Council urges all road uses to take extra care whilst travelling over the Christmas/New Year period and take advantage of the Driver Reviver sites across the state.

This Christmas, hundreds of Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) and Lions Club members will take time out from their holidays to make sure drivers get to their holiday destinations safely.

VICSES Chief Officer Operations Trevor White urges all Victorians to stay safe on our roads over the busy holiday period.

“It is much more gratifying for VICSES volunteers to have a friendly chat and serve you a cuppa at a Driver Reviver site than be faced with the trauma of cutting you out of your vehicle after a collision.”

VICSES has 152 volunteer units throughout the state, with 102 accredited to perform Road Rescue, making the VICSES the largest Road Rescue operator in Australia responding to more than 1,000 road crash rescues every year.

Driver Reviver sites offer tea, coffee, water and biscuits to help motorists rest and refresh in a staffed and safe environment, but you don’t need to wait for a Driver Reviver site to take a break. Ensure you plan to take a short break or swap drivers every two hours and don’t rush, it’s more important to arrive alive.


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