Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 12 May, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Story writing competition looking for young local authors

The Greater Shepparton Community Literacy workgroup is very excited to again be running the annual story writing competition for students in Grade 5 and 6 attending a school in Greater Shepparton.

Students are invited to write and illustrate an original story to be considered as part of the Greater Shepparton Book Bag Program. The winning story will be professionally published and included in every three and a half year old book bag distributed for 12 months from August. The bag and story book will be handed out to nearly 1,000 families across Greater Shepparton when they attend the three and a half year old Maternal and Child Health visit.

Mayor Dennis Patterson said this is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the creative talent we have across all primary schools in the municipality.  

“The book bag program has been running for many years and aims to encourage parents and carers to start reading, talking, singing and playing to children right from birth and on a regular basis. One of the resources included in each bag is a book for parents to share with their children.” 

“For the three earlier book bags, story books were purchased so this annual competition adds a local flavour to the program and gives some of our budding young authors an opportunity to showcase their writing skills. We hope to see lots of schools supporting this competition,” said Cr Patterson.

Primary schools can submit up to three original illustrated stories from Grade 5 and 6 students to be considered by the judging panel. The competition closes on Monday 15 June at 3pm.

The winner will be announced in July and the winning story will be printed and included in the three and a half year book bag from August 2015 to July 2016.

Information has been sent out to all primary schools in Greater Shepparton, but if you would like further information please contact Best Start Co-ordinator, Belinda Whitelaw on 5832 9700.


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