Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 24 March, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Students across the Goulburn Valley encouraged to share their story

Greater Shepparton City Council in partnership with the Furphy Foundation, Latrobe University and the GV Library Group are encouraging students from across the Goulburn Valley to share their story for the Furphy Literary Awards.

The literary awards will continue during this time, applications will be received via online submissions and students are encouraged to continue writing from their homes.

Established in 1992 the literary awards promote and extend the tradition of storytelling, both factual and fictional of Australian culture.

In 2020 the awards will continue to hold an open category alongside a youth and junior award.

Entries are now open for the three youth categories which are made of Junior Short Story, for writers 12 and under, Youth Short Story for writers aged 13-18 years and Youth Poetry for writers aged 13-18 years.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Seema Abdullah said the awards were a great opportunity to recognise the talent of young writers across the region.

“The Furphy Literary Awards gives an incredible opportunity for a diverse audience to express their voices through literature and we look forward to seeing many great collections of work arise from our community,” Cr Abdullah said.

“Although the school holiday period across the state has been moved forward the awards provide students with an activity that can still stimulate their minds and improve their writing skills from home.

“We encourage as many students and avid young writers to submit an entry and share their unique story.”

Managing Director of Furphy and Sons Adam Furphy said despite the uncertainty the award will continue to be held.

“The Furphy Literary Award is a great opportunity to tell a great story and we encourage you to make a submission,” Mr Furphy said.

“Writing can be a wonderful way of taking your mind to other places and maybe that is just what we all need right now. 

“We look forward to receiving your entry and reading what you come up with.”

Each category will have a first place prize of $300, followed by second $100 and third $50.

Entries close on Thursday April 30 2020 at 5pm. For more information on the awards and who is eligible to enter please visit


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