Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 13 May, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Students participate in environment learning days

Greater Shepparton primary school students have the opportunity to learn about caring for our natural environment with an interactive education program on 19 and 20 May.

Greater Shepparton City Council’s Sustainability and Environment Department and RiverConnect are running the popular Pest vs. Rest Environment Days to offer students and their teachers the opportunity to participate in hands-on environmental activities that are curriculum focused.

On the day students will participate in seven activities based on biodiversity, waste, Indigenous history and water. Students are also encouraged to participate in a Rubbish Free Lunch on the day.

Some of the activities include learning about bird calls, environmental art, turtles, bugs, waste, Reedy Swamp and Indigenous education.

Council’s Director Sustainability and Environment Johann Rajaratnam said the activities are presented by local and state wide environment educators and are a good way to learn about the natural environment.

“Our team have come up with some interesting hands-on activities for children to participate in which have a strong education focus,” said Mr Rajaratnam. “Council is keen to encourage younger generations to learn about waste and how it impacts on the environment.”

“The Environment Day is not only fun for students but provides teachers with resources to encourage further learning on these topics with their students back in the classroom,” he said.


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