Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 10 June, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Take a break and arrive alive this Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend

Greater Shepparton City Council is encouraging motorists to Stop, Revive and Survive this Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) and Lions Club members will take time out from their holidays to make sure drivers get to their holiday destinations and back home again safely.

Driver Reviver sites will operate on the Hume Highway across the Queen’s Birthday Long weekend from Friday 10th June through to Monday 13th June.

Driver Reviver sites operating in North East Victoria over the Easter Long Weekend:

EUROA – Friday 10 June 2016 - Hume Hwy, North Bound, Balmattum Rest Area (12pm – 7pm)

EUROA – Saturday 11 June 2016 - Hume Hwy, North Bound, Balmattum Rest Area (9am- 1pm)

EUROA – Monday 13 June 2016 - Hume Hwy, South Bound, Balmattum Rest Area (12pm -7pm)

BENALLA – Lions Club - Friday 10 June 2016 –

Hume Hwy, North Bound, Mokoan Rest Area (10am – 11:30pm)

BENALLA – SES – Monday 13 June 2016 –

Hume Hwy, South Bound, Mokoan Rest Area (8:30am – 7pm)

KILMORE – Monday 13 June 2016 –Hume Hwy, South Bound, Wandong Rest Area (12pm -5pm) 

For over 25 years, Driver Reviver has been a national campaign with one objective: to reduce road collisions by alleviating driver fatigue. SES Volunteers contribute thousands of hours each year towards providing Driver Reviver as a way to combat driver fatigue and resulting car crashes.

SES North East Community Resilience Coordinator, Charlie Sexton said "Fatigue is one of the biggest killers on Victorian roads and SES Driver Reviver sites offer a place for motorists to take a break and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee and some biscuits in a staffed and safe environment."

"Our volunteers would far prefer to have a friendly chat and serve you a cuppa at a Driver Reviver site than be faced with the trauma of cutting you out of your vehicle after a collision down the road."

If you’re taking a trip over the long weekend, visit a Driver Reviver site to take a break.

Tips for a long car journey:

  • It is critical before leaving on long trips to be well rested
  • Plan trips so that you will stop at least every 2 hours; 15 minutes is a good break
  • Share the driving with someone else
  • Don't let the temperature inside the car make you drowsy
  • Keep the radio or music at a low level; loud music can interfere with concentration
  •  Be flexible, if you feel you are getting tired, don't wait, find somewhere safe and have a quick nap


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