Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 28 August, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Tatura Library project receives funding

The Tatura Library received an injection of funding from the State Government today as Minister for Local Government; Marlene Kairouz announced funding of $600k for the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program.

Public libraries play an important role in strengthening our communities and enable libraries to deliver more for local residents. The library redevelopment has been a priority action in the Tatura Community Plan.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community, Kaye Thomson said “The funding will enable Council to extend and redevelop the Tatura Library   building. The current Tatura Library has a lack of space, aged furniture, and reduced access for all abilities.

“The funding will help meet the growing Tatura community needs and the larger catchment area. The Living Libraries Infrastructure program is critical to ensure Council can improve the facilities and amenities of Tatura Library in a timely manner for our residents. I look forward to seeing the project progress and thank the State government for the funding.” said Ms Thomson.

Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corporation (GV Libraries) operates the Tatura Library on behalf of Greater Shepparton City Council. The Tatura library offers a hub of activity for the whole community to enjoy.

The new Library will include features such as an expanded and dedicated children’s area that will provide improved access and much needed space for families, carers and prams.

The redevelopment of the library will allow Goulburn Valley Libraries to provide additional opening hours and increased programming.


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