Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 22 October, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

TELSTRA ADVICE FOR MURCHISON - Mobile Network Disruption Advice

PLANNED OUTAGES - 26th - 30th October. Telstra is in the process of completing planned upgrades in MURCHISON that will lead to the launch of 4GX. This may result in a service disruption to our mobile network during the planned window.

With customers relying on mobile connectivity more than ever, the introduction of 4GX services will mean increased capacity for the local mobile network, giving locals improved and more consistent data speeds. You will soon be able to access the amazing speeds and improved mobile experience of Telstra’s 4GX network. This upgrade will allow you and your constituents to experience:

·         Faster downloads

·         Fewer drop outs and dead spots, and

·         More reliable speed experiences.

As this upgrade work needs to be carried out during daylight hours for health and safety reasons, our technicians will need to switch off some sectors which support mobile services in the area. This will result in a slight disruption to mobile services in the area. Every effort will be made to reduce the impact to our customers and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Upgrade work and testing, if all goes according to plan will be completed between 26th - 30th October. Site Outages will be kept to a minimum during that period, and we anticipate to launch the improved services as soon as possible.

Telstra thank you for your patience and understanding while we upgrade the network.

For more info and advice contact Telstra via



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