Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 17 April, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Toolamba Bridge refurbishments about to commence

Greater Shepparton City Council is set to undertake structural upgrades on the more than 100-year-old Toolamba Bridge after awarding a $1.6m contract to DC Projects Pty Ltd at Tuesday night’s April Ordinary Council Meeting.

Greater Shepparton City Council is set to undertake structural upgrades on the more than 100-year-old Toolamba Bridge after awarding a $1.6m contract to DC Projects Pty Ltd at Tuesday night’s April Ordinary Council Meeting.

Council was successful in its application under the State Government’s Fixing Country Roads grant and received $930,000 under this program through Regional Roads Victoria towards the $1.6m cost of repairs and upgrades.

Council Director Infrastructure Phil Hoare said the funding will enable improvements to the structural integrity of bridge to ensure it provides safe passage for traffic until the structure is ultimately replaced at the end of its life.

“We are pleased to have successfully engaged a specialist contractor to undertake these structural improvement works that will ensure the structural integrity of the bridge and safety for those using the structure. The works will enable the current 2T load limit to be raised which will benefit many in our community,” he said.

“Ultimately we want to see a new bridge in place and Council will be working to undertake community consultation and design works along with seeking funding assistance to achieve this outcome. We believe the ultimate replacement of the bridge will be required within the next 10 years or so,” said Mr Hoare.

“Council engaged experienced bridge engineers investigate, design and specify the required structural upgrades to increase the bridge strength to allow a 10 tonne load limit. Works will take approximately 18 weeks and during this time the bridge will be closed to ensure the safety of road users and the contractor’s staff.

“Works are scheduled to commence in May and continue through to September however more accurate information will be provided when the contractor has confirmed the works program. We will be providing specific updates to the Toolamba community and to the broader community via our website,” said Mr Hoare.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe, said Council was pleased to award the tender to DC Projects. The company is a specialist bridge contractor and recently upgraded Locky’s Bridge at Kialla.

“DC Projects achieved the highest score as determined by strict selection criteria,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“The company has demonstrated a good track record in recent years delivering bridge upgrade works for VicRoads, Murrindindi Shire, Macedon Ranges Shire, Horsham Rural City Council and Strathbogie Shire.

“DC Projects also has plenty of experience in working on and around waterways which will be crucial in these refurbishments.”

The works are consistent with the strategic objective in the Council Plan 2017-2021, to provide and support appealing relevant infrastructure that makes Greater Shepparton an attractive, liveable regional city.


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