Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 8 February, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Toolamba Bridge vandalism causes safety concern

Greater Shepparton City Council is disappointed with the deliberate and dangerous vandalism of the Toolamba Bridge safety barriers last night which put local residents at risk.

A driver was observed crossing the bridge yesterday despite heavy barriers and signs with the incident being reported to police.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said the barriers had been deliberately vandalised and moved to provide access to bridge.

“It’s very disappointing that something that endangers the lives of others, not to mention the driver, is considered more important that taking a detour,” said Mr Bowmaker. “The driver would have been well aware of the closure and there is no excuse for the action they took.”

“Police attended after the incident was reported and were on both sides of bridge last night to prevent access by anyone else. This is a waste of police resources when there is signage and barriers to ensure the community’s safety,” he said.

Mr Bowmaker said Council has repaired and reinstated the barriers and is taking extra measures to prevent access until temporary repairs can be carried out.

“Signage is already significant but an extra message board will be installed on the Goulburn Valley highway at Murchison informing drivers to take the alternative route if they want to get to Toolamba. Any signs on the GV Highway that point to Toolamba will be covered up so drivers who are not familiar with the area can take the detour.”

“We are currently obtaining quotes for the temporary repair of bridge so that it can be reopened as soon as possible,” said Mr Bowmaker. “We expect to have timelines available next week on when this can start and how long it will take.”

“The heritage listed bridge (B. 1891) needs to be repaired with specific timbers which are difficult to source and need to meet VicRoads requirements. Additionally the bridge repair work is highly specialised with very few expert tradespeople in Australia.”

“Once the temporary repair work is done the load limit on the bridge will be two tonne however once permanent works are done in the new financial year the limit will revert back to three tonne,” said Mr Bowmaker.

Mr Bowmaker said there had been some confusion with the two tonne limit. “The limit applies to a single vehicle weighing more than two tonne. Two vehicles weighing in total more than two tonne is not an issue as the weight limit is calculated per bridge span. Two or more lighter vehicles will spread the weight over the bridge in several spans so residents need not be concerned about the lower temporary limit.”

The permanent repairs will be undertaken in the new financial year and are likely to extend the life of the bridge by 10 - 15 years.

Council conducts a level two inspection of all bridges on a three year cycle.

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