Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 4 July, 2013. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council seeking feedback on accessibility and inclusion plan

Greater Shepparton City Council has released its draft Universal Access and Inclusion Plan (UAIP) for community consultation.

This plan includes a range of strategies and actions to enhance access to Council services, information, support and infrastructure. Council are committed to the implementation of the plan over the next four years.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Jenny Houlihan said the UAIP was a significant plan for Council.

"The UAIP identifies how Council will work towards community members having access to Council facilities, documents and resources," Cr Houlihan said.

"I encourage our community to have a look at the document, or attend the information session so we can ensure we have captured the needs of our community."

An information session will be held on Monday 15 July at 1pm at the Council Office. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP and advise of any requirements or dietary requests as afternoon tea will be provided.

Feedback on the draft plan will be received until 5pm, Friday 26 July and can be made via the following means:
Post: ‘Draft Access and Inclusion Plan' Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632
In person: 90 Welsford Street Shepparton
NRS: 133 677 (ask for (03) 5832 9700)

For more information or to RSVP for the information session, contact Council's Access and Inclusion Officer on (03) 5832 9700.

- Released 4 July 2013


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