Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 1 February, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Update on kerbside recycling services

Greater Shepparton City Council is working with Wheelie Waste to come up with alternative arrangements to manage recyclable material due to the recently announced temporary changed conditions.

Visy recycling has notified Wheelie Waste kerbside collection company that it will be temporarily suspending its acceptance of recyclable materials, following recent changes in world export markets.

CEO Peter Harriott said “We ask our residents to continue recycling as normal as collection services will remain unchanged.”

“Residents have done a fantastic job in separating waste to keep recyclables and green waste out of landfill and we ask them to keep up the good work,” said Mr Harriott.

“Council is working closely with the Goulburn Valley Waste and Resource Recovery Group, a body responsible for waste and resource recovery planning, to identify alternative arrangements for recyclable material processing due to the temporary changed conditions,” said Mr Harriott.

These current pressures are due to changes to the global recycling market, particularly China imposing tighter restrictions on the quality of recyclable materials. These changes are not unique to Victoria and are impacting recycling worldwide. This, combined with an increased focus on stockpiling practices at recycling processing sites, has created unique pressures on the industry.

The Victorian Government is working with local government, other states, the federal government and industry to ensure we are as well-positioned as possible to respond to the changes to the market.

Council will keep the community updated on the progress of this matter.


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