Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 13 July, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Wasting organic waste costs ratepaters more money

Greater Shepparton City Council has been monitoring what people put in their green bins and contamination rates for June have risen to higher than previous months.

Green bin material is used for composting by a local contractor. “If residents place plastic shopping bags of green waste into the bins, the organic material is great but the shopping bags completely wreck what it’s wanted for at the other end” said Greater Shepparton City Council’s Director Infrastructure, Steve Bowmaker.


“When the wrong item goes into these green bins, the whole load is regarded as ‘contaminated’ and has to be trucked from the composting facility to the Cosgrove Landfill” he added. 

The contamination is measured every month. In June 2016 it was 9.18 percent increasing some 3.5 percent above the May figure. “High contamination rates lead to increased costs to ratepayers. Contamination has a direct impact by having to pay higher levy payments to the EPA, as well as payments to the contractors having to transport and pay for the waste at the landfill” said Mr Bowmaker.


Steve Bowmaker urges residents to “take care with how all waste and re-usable materials are separated into the bins and please make sure that what you put into the green lid bin is organic”.

The trucks that collect the green bin organic waste now take video footage of every bin collected. Exactly what is in each bin is able to be traced and from what address. “More recently, we have had to contact those repeatedly putting the wrong materials into the green lid bins. In some cases our efforts have been ignored, so residents have had their service suspended until they agree not to continue to place these contaminants into the green lid bins” he said.


“Those who are having difficulties in understanding why these are regarded as serious matters should talk to Shepparton Council’s Waste Education Officer who is running an education program to assist residents to correctly dispose of all materials being collected kerbside” said Mr Bowmaker.


Throughout the year Greater Shepparton City Council hosts free “follow your waste tours” to the Cosgrove Landfill site, and Western Composting. To attend one of the tours, visit Council’s website or social media for dates.

CLICK HERE for more information on what can and can’t go in the green lid bins.


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