Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 7 September, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Well done to you on the waste front

The contamination rate of the green lid bins for August was a low 4.05 per cent, a decrease of 2.29 per cent compared to August 2015 which was 6.4 per cent.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director of Infrastructure, Steve Bowmaker said “I thank residents for their continuing efforts in disposing of waste correctly, it shows in the monthly results.

“This month we composted and sent back to earth a total of 594 tonnes of green waste, with only 25 tonnes being sent to landfill.

“Compared to August 2015 we have diverted an extra 225 tonnes from landfill to compost, that’s the equivalent of an extra 28 kerbside trucks full of organic waste just for the month of August, this is a great outcome.

“Our goal is to reach a contamination rate below three percent in September. I encourage residents to keep up the good work and improve where possible to help us achieve this aim. Low contamination ultimately helps the environment and our hip pockets as ratepayers,” Mr Bowmaker said.

When the wrong rubbish  goes into in your green lid bin, it contaminates the entire truck load, and then none of the waste can be recycled. It then has to be taken to the landfill, resulting in Council having to pay more levies to the environment authorities, (from your rates). Also, more orgaini waste going to landfill is bad for the environment.

If you receive a sticker on your green lid bin about contamination please take the time to check what you are putting in the bin.

CLICK HERE to learn more about your green lid bin.


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