Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 11 January, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Welsford Street temporary road fix completed

Damage caused by heavy truck use on Welsford Street was temporarily fixed last weekend until funding is available to undertake major re-building of the busy thoroughfare.


Welsford Street carries 17,000 vehicles per day of which some 500 are commercial vehicles and transports. The works were undertaken on Sunday 10 January in order to minimise disruption to local traders and to traffic as the road had to be closed to undertake the work.

“There were a number of failures on the road which necessitated urgent repair works,” said Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker.

“The repairs had to be undertaken so as to keep the road safe for users until a more permanent reconstruction solution can be afforded in the short to medium-term future.”

“There was a co-operative effort between teams within the Infrastructure Department of Greater Shepparton City Council to assess, estimate the costs, engage the Council's major road repair contractor (Downer EDI), and supervision of the works,” said Mr Bowmaker.

“Thanks to careful planning and great organising work by the contractor the road was able to be re-opened by 2.30pm. The total project cost was in the order of $80,000.”


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