Toolamba was identified as an area of future growth in the Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011. The projected construction of an interchange for the Goulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Bypass at Bridge Road, Toolamba, adds to the importance of ensuring that growth in the Toolamba townships is appropriate and sustainable, to protect the unique identities of the townships and the rural lifestyle they offer.
Ethos Urban Pty Ltd has been appointed to prepare the Growth Plan, which will draw on previous work undertaken by Council and the community for the Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011, the Greater Shepparton Townships Framework Review 2018, and the Toolamba and District Community Plan 2016.
The Growth Plan aims to identify strategic development opportunities, appropriate residential densities, and accessibility improvements between Toolamba and Old Toolamba, and to prepare a residential expansion framework that doesn’t detract from the existing character of the townships.
Greater Shepparton City Council Director Sustainable Development Geraldine Christou said resident’s perspectives and experiences are an important component of the Growth Plan, to guide its vision for the next three decades. ‘A two-way conversation between Council and the community is important to ensure that the opportunities and constraints affecting the townships are understood fully, to provide present and future residents with the best possible outcomes,’ she said.
Council officers and consultants from Ethos Urban Pty Ltd will be hosting a public drop-in session on Thursday 9 May 2019. Community members are invited to call in to the Toolamba Community Hall, Toolamba Recreation Reserve, Wren St, Toolamba at any time between 3pm and 7pm for a chat.
Comments can also be submitted via email to, by post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton 3630, or through Council’s website.
For more information on the Toolamba Townships Growth Plan, contact the Strategic Planning Department on 03 5832 9730.