Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 28 May, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Wild storms cause trees to fall

Greater Shepparton City Council staff were kept busy last night attending to fallen trees around the municipality. Council had more than 20 calls in relation to 12-15 trees fallen across public land in the municipality from Girgarre to Dookie.

SES and Victoria police attended to other fallen trees through the area and assisted Greater Shepparton City Council staff where public safety was an issue. 

Director of Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said “Phone calls started at 5pm and didn’t finish until around 9pm. Crews were sent out to ensure that roads weren’t closed off for too long or causing any safety issues”. 

“A crew of five employees, two chainsaw teams and two backhoe operators were kept busy from 5pm until close to 10pm last night and I would like to thank everyone for their help last night coming to assist with very little notice.” 

“Council staff will complete the clean-up of the remaining trees in the coming days,” said Mr Bowmaker. 

Residents can report fallen trees to council by calling 5832 9700 during and after work hours.


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