Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 26 February, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

WINNERS! Women’s Charter Alliance receive state award

The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee won the LGPro Award for Organisational Diversity last night in Melbourne with Greater Shepparton City Council receiving the award on behalf of the committee.


Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community Kaye Thomson said “we are elated with the award, the Committee has worked really hard since 2012 and organised a number of events for the community throughout the year. It is great to see the committee’s hard work recognised”.

“The membership of the alliance is in itself diverse – and the membership has a range of ethnicities, ages, abilities, educational levels, socio-economic backgrounds, and beliefs. The alliance membership is also open to men, and has Mayor Dinny Adem as its Charter Champion”.

 “All the activities of the alliance are designed to acknowledge, support, and celebrate the diversity of the Greater Shepparton community. The core values are to ensure that its activities and events are accessible to all and these are the reasons for the award for Organisational Diversity.”

 “The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee is an Advisory Committee of the Greater Shepparton City Council which aims to support and promote women in leadership roles and at all levels of decision-making, including business or workplace positions, community groups or boards of management” said Ms Thomson.

The Alliance collaborates in partnership with more than 10 organisations and groups and its work has benefited the wider community by providing welcoming and accessible events where people can network and by highlighting, celebrating and acknowledging the diversity of the Greater Shepparton area.

The Women’s Charter Alliance next event is:

Free International Women’s Day event – Stories of Prejudice and Pride

When: Tuesday 8 March 2016 at 6pm.

Where: St Paul's African House, 54 Poplar Avenue Shepparton.

Rsvp: Please RSVP through EventBrite at:

For more information contact Council on (03) 5832 9700.


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