Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 4 June, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Work to improve drainage at Tatura's Lake Bartlett

Greater Shepparton City Council has commenced work to upgrade the culvert and drain system coming off Martin Street to improve the quality of the stormwater entering Lake Bartlett in Tatura.

Works will also occur along the creek-line north of O’Reilly Rd to remove weeds.

The current Martin St drain will be re-shaped to slow down the movement of stormwater, and indigenous plant species will be planted to filter pollutants out of the stormwater.

Council’s Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said the works would assist to more effectively treat stormwater.

“Shaping the soil and planting wetland species is one of the best methods we have to treat stormwater. The wetland plants are suited to wetting and drying cycles so cope well with these drainage conditions, and they act as pollution filters so improve water quality at the same time.” Mr Bowmaker said.

“Wetland works conducted at Lake Bartlett and planting of indigenous species in the past have improved water quality, increased the habitat for fauna and provided the opportunity for residents to re-connect with their natural environment.”

Tatura Community Plan spokesperson Marisa O’Halloran says “I’m looking forward to seeing the outcomes of these works here at Lake Bartlett. We are quite lucky to have such an asset in town and it’s great to see works continuing to improve the Lake Bartlett system.”

Council has been working closely with the Tatura Community Plan Committee, and has considered actions identified in both the Lake Bartlett Masterplan and Council’s Stormwater Management Plan in conducting these works.


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