Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 9 February, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

#YourGreenBin : Organic Waste contamination worst in a year

Contamination of the green lid bins for the month of January 2016 was up 6.47 per cent on the January 2015 rate.

Contamination in January 2016 was 9.57 per cent and in January 2015 was 3.10 per cent.

Greater Shepparton City Council’s Manager Environment, Greg McKenzie, said “the result was really disappointing. Some residents are really doing well and putting all the right things in the green lid bin, however some are just not thinking about what they are disposing of in the green lid bin.”

“The main contaminates were plastic bags, nappies and plastic bottles. We even found someone’s clothing jacket in the green bin, which clearly doesn’t belong there.”

“When the green lid bin is contaminated, this contaminates the entire truck load of waste that is then taken to landfill. Ultimately costing council $125 per tonne, which is passed onto the rate payer” said Mr McKenzie.

“I am sure most residents want to do the right thing, they just need to check what can go into the green lid bin, if it grows then it goes in the green lid bin,” said Mr McKenzie.

“In January 2016 we had 63.7 tonnes of waste contamination in the green lid (organics) bin going to landfill out of 665 total tonnes of organics collected from kerbsides. Last January we picked up 515 tonnes of kerbside green waste and 16.22 tonne was sent to landfill. We have had an increase of 150 tonne of kerbside green waste, which is great, but we need to ensure the right things are going into the green lid bin” said Mr McKenzie.

If you receive a sticker on your green lid bin about contamination please take the time to check what you are putting in the bin. More information can be found at


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