Greater Shepparton Positive Ageing Advisory Committee

Council has in place a Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC) which was established in 2011 as part of Council’s commitment to ensuring that older residents remain active, healthy, independent, and connected to their community.
The committee advises Council on issues relating to older people and promotes an age friendly municipality. This committee also provides a strong partnership between the community and Council to facilitate better responses to the community’s needs.
Committee vacancies
Nominations for appointment to the committee are currently CLOSED.
Positive Ageing Advisory Committee
Purpose of the PAAC
The purpose of the PAAC is to provide a platform where representatives of the ageing community can discuss and provide advice to Council on opportunities and challenges relating to positive ageing within Greater Shepparton.
The PAAC has an active role in formalising the establishment and implementation of the Positive Ageing Strategy 2023 - 2027. The Strategy aligns with the Council Plan 2021-2025, the Greater Shepparton Public Health Strategic Plan 2018-2028, and other relevant documents that support the aged care sector. The Action Plan will guide the portfolio areas in which the PAAC, supported by Council, will actively contribute to. These areas can include but are not limited to:
- The Positive Ageing Newsletter – Ageing Well
- Coordinating an event for the Victorian Senior’s Festival
- Contributing to the recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and other relevant days of recognition.
Confident Living Booklet
This booklet provides important information about safety and security to help older residents to enjoy life to the fullest. It includes simple tips and key contacts that will assist with:
- Taking care of yourself
- Improving the security of your home
- Travelling safely and affordably
- Gaining access to services that will enhance your wellbeing and independence
- Managing your finances and other legal issues
While this booklet has been prepared to help older people to live more comfortably and independently, it is also an important information source for carers.
This booklet is generalist in nature. If you live in a retirement village or are renting, please check with your maintenance manager or landlord where appropriate. Please note that information is subject to change. Calls to toll free numbers from mobile phones may incur additional charges.
Useful links
- Seniors Rights Victoria work to prevent elder abuse by advocating for law reforms.
- Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria is the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the interests and rights of people aged 50+ in Victoria.
- Goulburn Valley University of the Third Age is located in Shepparton and is a provider of community education and social involvement for older learners.
- RSL Victoria provides support and services to all generations of Veterans in Victoria.
- My Aged Care — If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help.