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Grant Writing

In this workshop, participants are guided through the process of applying for a grant or funding proposal, using guidelines, templates and assessment criteria to create a compelling project plan.

Thursday 23rd of May, 2024, at 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Online via Zoom

The creation of a realistic budget with in-kind contributions acknowledged, the use data and evidence to support the proposal, as well as the importance of
creating timelines, backing letters and other evidence of community support are all covered. The workshop concludes with a question-and-answer session.

The workshop covers:

  • Where to find grants
  • Writing winning project plans: linking needs with solutions
  • Using data and evidence to support your project proposal
  • Creating realistic budgets
  • Showing evidence that you have the support of your community
  • Managing relationships and acknowledging funders
  • Acquittals and appeals

Limited spots available - bookings are essential
Please click here to book
by 8am Wednesday 22nd May 2024, or contact Council’s Community Wellbeing team on (03) 5832 9472.


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